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Current Announcements (Last Updated 09/13/2024) 

Union Chapel Missionary Baptist Church
Sunday, September 15, 2024



Children’s Church: Children’s Church will be available today for children ages 5 to 11.  After the Altar Call Prayer, a sign will appear on the screens for parents to meet youth leaders in the foyer of the church. Parents are asked to come to the basement immediately following the worship service to pick up children. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please contact Sis. Doris Taylor or Sis. Janika Crum.


The Widows & Widowers Care Ministry ZOOM meeting will be held Monday, September 9th @ 6:00 PM;   

                            Dial in number-1-929-436-2866   
                            Zoom Meeting ID:  842-0487-3189
Pass Code: 892774

Coordinator – Sis. Rosa Goston, 256-797-8785 Co-Coordinator – Sis. Sadie Pleasure, 256-679-5338

Deaconess Ministry Sister to Sister Fellowship September 21, 2024 10:00 AM - 12:00 Noon
Theme: “Fall” in Love with Jesus “Give thanks to the God of heaven, for His steadfast love endures forever. “ ~Psalm 136:26
Speaker: Minister Lisa Owens
Attire: Casual 
Sign-Up Deadline:
September 15th
*The Deaconess Ministry has chosen the Caring & Sharing Pantry of Union Chapel as our community service project this year. All attendees are asked to bring one (1) small bag of Corn Meal (any)
Deaconess Ministry will not meet on Monday, September 16th. The Ministry will meet on Friday, September 20th. All Deaconess that are available are asked to meet in the fellowship hall at 12:00 Noon. Thank you.
2nd Annual Young Men’s Conference: The Union Chapel Youth Ministry will host the 2nd Annual Young Men's Conference, to be held on Saturday, September 21, 2024. This year’s theme is, Let’s Do It Again. The conference will be available for males ages 12 – 20 and will begin at 8:00 AM and conclude at 12:00 PM in the basement of the church. Food will be provided for attendees. If you would like to attend this conference, please sign up online by visiting the church’s website. For further information, please contact Minister Anthony Williams.

Ushers' meeting for all ushers on Monday, September 16th at 5:30 PM in the fellowship hall. If you have any questions please contact the coordinator's for the ushers' ministry.

Singles’ Ministry: The Union Chapel Singles’ Ministry is going to the "Main Event" at Bridge Street Town Centre on September 16th @ 6:00 PM (6884 Governors West NW, Huntsville, AL). We have three bowling lanes for 2 hours in the VIP room that will accommodate 18 people. We plan to fellowship, spread the love of Jesus, and enjoy plenty of laughter. Singles, please sign up as soon as possible so we can have all 
lanes filled. Sign up Roster will be in the foyer. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Min. Lisa Owens (256-418-8314) or Sis. Calandra Terry (256-658-3946).

The fall and winter sessions of GriefShare will begin on Sunday, September 22, 2024, 2:00 PM, in Room 17. The first session title will be “Is It Normal.” GriefShare is designed to assist individuals with healing from the death of loved ones. For additional information, please contact Sis. Monica Phipps Stewart at 256-682-0466 or Sis. Georgia S. Valrie 256-656-4698               

Church family, we are excited to share news about Cub Scout Pack 156. We are grateful for the support that the church has given us over the past year, and we want to announce our Kickoff to this popcorn sales event. We hope that you will support our pack by buying some delicious popcorn from our scouts, who will be taking orders after the service. Every purchase makes a difference and helps our pack continue to offer quality scouting experiences to our boys. Thank you for your attention and your support.

Cereal4All Campaign: Union Chapel’s Girl Scout Troops 10682 and 10674 (Daisies & Brownies) have chosen to partner with The Food Bank of North Alabama and the Cereal4All Campaign ( as their Community Service Project for Fall 2024. This effort will begin Saturday, September 28th and end December 6th. The goal is to collect 100 boxes of cereal. Breakfast food is one of least donated items to food banks. Please help these young ladies reach their goal by donating one box of cereal (must be sealed and have a nutrition label on it) and placing it in the container in the Fellowship Hall marked CEREAL4ALL. For more information contact Scout Leaders, Tammy English at 256-361-5189, Shimeka Jones at 586-339-2687, or Sandra Beckard at 256-714-1893.

The Herald

Publication Date Change for The Herald will now become a quarterly publication, the next edition will print the 1st Sunday in October (October 6th), highlighting July, August, and September. Please continue to submit your articles to: or you may call 256-424-2569 (The Newsletter). The deadline to submit articles/information is September 20, 2024. All articles/information are subject to editing for clarity and grammatical corrections. We reserve the right not to include all articles in the newsletter.


To all our members celebrating anniversaries in the month of SEPTEMBER

  • Bro. Kenneth and Sis. Peggy Higgins will celebrate their 53rd wedding anniversary on Friday, September 20th


Union Chapel Missionary Baptist Church (UCMBC) has immediate openings for:

1.     Accounting Clerk 
2.     Full-Time Custodian 
     ** Please contact the church office for candidate requirements, full job description and other specifics.

Interested persons may apply in the Church Office weekdays between the hours of 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM. Also, you may visit our website at to obtain an application and view the Job descriptions for the position.


Voter Information – 2024 Presidential Election! - The date is approaching fast for the November 5, 2024 Presidential Election. It is imperative that all eligible voters go to the polls to vote. Important dates to remember are: 
October 21Voter registration deadline.
October 29
– Last day to apply for an absentee ballot by mail.
October 31 – Last day to apply for an absentee ballot in person. 
November 4 –Last day to hand deliver an absentee ballot. 
November 5 – Absentee ballots returned by mail must be received by noon.
It is also important to check your voting status, even if you have been a regular voter. Voting Precincts and Districts may have changed. Also, make sure your current address and photo identification are in order. Your voting status may be verified from the following websites:  or  
September 24, 2024 is the date for the city of Huntsville District I Run Off Election.

Remember Your Vote is Your Voice!

Did you know
     What Is A Poll Tax?

•    Poll taxes were fixed fees assessed upon eligible voters as a condition of casting a ballot.
•    Originally, poll taxes were government revenue-raising measures not directly linked to restricting voting rights.
•    Beginning during Reconstruction, the poll tax in the United States was used to prevent Black Americans from voting, especially in Southern states.
•    Ratified in 1964, the Twenty-fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution declared the poll tax unconstitutional in  federal elections.
•    In 1966 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the states could not levy a poll tax as a prerequisite for voting in state a


UCMBC and the Writing Your Life Story Ministry would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all of you who so willingly donated Bibles, Sunday School materials, devotionals and other Christian literature to Love Packages of Decatur, Alabama to be distributed to third world countries so that others will have ready access to God’s Word. You may continue to drop off materials in the Marked Donation Box in the Fellowship Hall.  -- For more information and to watch the video visit



Pioneering Olympic Medalist - Wilma Rudolph
Nicknamed "Skeeter" for her famous speed, Rudolph qualified for the 1956 Summer Olympic Games in Melbourne, Australia. The youngest member of the U.S. track and field team at age 16, she won a bronze medal in the 400-meter relay. After finishing high school, Rudolph enrolled at Tennessee State University, where she studied education. She also trained hard for the next Olympics.

Held in Rome, Italy, the 1960 Olympic Games were a golden time for Rudolph. After tying a world record with her time of 11.3 seconds in the 100-meter semifinals, she won the event with her wind-aided mark of 11.0 seconds in the final. Similarly, Rudolph broke the Olympic record in the 200-meter dash (23.2 seconds) in the heats before claiming another gold medal with her time of 24.0 seconds. She was also part of the U.S. team that established the world record in the 400-meter relay (44.4 seconds) before going on to win gold with a time of 44.5 seconds. As a result, Rudolph became the first American woman to win three gold medals in track and field at a single Olympic Games. The first-class sprinter instantly became one of the most popular athletes of the Rome Games as well as an international superstar, lauded around the world for her groundbreaking achievements.

Other Olympic Firsts -
•    In 1908, after winning the 4 x 400 meter relay, John Taylor became the first African American to win gold in the Olympics.
•    And in 1948, Alice Coachman became the first Black woman in the world to win an Olympic gold medal while competing in the high jump.
•    George Coleman Poage became the first Black person to earn a medal at the Olympic Games in 1904. He was a hurdler.

“Equal means getting the same thing, at the same time, and in the same place.”---Thurgood Marshall


Glory to His Name

1.  Down at the cross where my Savior died,
      Down where for cleansing from sin I cried,
   There to my heart was the blood applied;
 Glory to His Name!

Glory to His Name,
Glory to His Name;
There to my heart was the blood applied;
Glory to His Name!

2.  I am so wondrously saved from sin,             
Jesus so sweetly abides within,
There at the cross where He took me in;
Glory to His Name!

3.  O precious fountain that saves from sin,      
I am so glad I have entered in;
There Jesus saves me and keeps me clean;
Glory to His Name!

4.  Come to this fountain so rich and sweet,       
Cast thy poor soul at the Savior's feet;
Plunge in todaym and be made complete;
Glory to His Name!

Health Awareness for SEPTEMBER

September is National Sickle Cell Awareness Month, designated by Congress to help focus attention on the need for research and treatment of sickle cell disease.

Sickle cell disease (SCD) is an inherited blood disorder in which red blood cells may become sickle-shaped and harden. For a baby to be born with sickle cell disease, both parents must carry a sickle cell trait or genes for another hemoglobin like HbC, HbE or beta thalassemia. Sickle cell disease is not contagious, and there is no universal cure. 
The Facts 
• About 1 in 13 African Americans carry the sickle cell trait, and many do not know they have it. 
• An estimated 100,000 people in the U.S. have SCD. 
• Approximately 2,000 babies are born with SCD annually in the U.S. 
• On average, diagnosis is made at birth. 
• People of many ethnic backgrounds can have SCD. 
• Latinos have the second most common incidence in the U.S. 

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer (other than non-melanoma skin cancer) diagnosed in men in the United States. Furthermore, it’s the second leading cause of cancer deaths in men, after lung cancer, in the United States.

Celebrate Men’s Health Throughout the Year
Awareness | Prevention | Education | Family
…If not for yourself do it for those who love you

Health Awareness for OCTOBER

It is hard to believe that we are nearing the month of October. Each year here at the church, we highlight Breast Cancer Awareness. The importance of this event is highlighted by the following facts.
1.  Breast cancer is the most frequently occurring female cancer after skin cancer.
2.  One in eight women (about 12%) will develop invasive breast cancer during her lifetime.
3.  A woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every two minutes in the U.S.
4.  Of women diagnosed with breast cancer, 76 percent have NO known risk factors.  
5.  Although rare, men are also at risk for breast cancer.
The main focus for this year is the importance of yearly mammograms. Check with your PMD on when to schedule your test.
Let's show unity on this matter by once again wearing your pink attire on the second Sunday in October. Men are welcome to wear blue as a show of solidarity. Show up on PINK SUNDAY. Diana Douglas, Wellness Ministry Coordinator (256) 682-4545

Online Calendar

Union Chapel Church: 

Visit us on the web

Live Streaming Available

Live streaming is now available during our morning and noon worship services.   To access Union Chapel Live Stream visit church website or search on Facebook, Youtube, and Boxcast for Union Chapel MB Church page and streaming live services each Sunday at 9:00 AM and noon.  

Sunday Services

9:00 AM - Worship Service

9:00 AM - Unity Service

  • Each 5th Sunday, at 9:00 AM. Both Union Chapel locations will combine at the 315 Winchester Road location for 9:00 AM Worship.
  • There will not be a 12:00 PM service at the 100 Orange Drive location on 5th Sundays.

7:00 AM - Local TV Broadcast

  • MyTV

11:00 AM - Radio Broadcast

  • WEUP 1700 AM, 11:00 AM 11:30 AM

12:00 PM - Gospel Impact

  • Pastor Davis will be preaching at the 12:00 PM Gospel Impact Service (100 Orange Drive) each 1st Sunday
  • Except 5th Sundays (Combined service at main campus at 9:00 AM)

Prayer and Meditation

Word for You Today Morning Prayer/Meditation

  • Monday - Friday at 6:30 AM and Saturdays at 8:00 AM.
  • Connect by Phone: 1-605-313-4122
  • Passcode: 8193291#
  • Note: After dialing into the conference call, to reduce background noise, please
    • o Press the mute button on your phone or
    • o Press *6 to mute your phone

Midday Prayer/Meditation

  • Wednesday at Noon
  • Connect by Phone: 1-605-313-4122
  • Passcode: 8193291#
  • Note: After dialing into the conference call, to reduce background noise, please
    • o Press the mute button on your phone or
    • o Press *6 to mute your phone

Union Chapel Prayer Line

  • Monday - Friday from 7:00 PM - until. if you would like someone to pray with you.
  • Connect by Phone: 1-605-313-4122
  • Passcode: 8193291#
  • Note: After dialing into the conference call, to reduce background noise, please
    • o Press the mute button on your phone or
    • o Press *6 to mute your phone