Union Chapel Missionary Baptist Church
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Good morning Church Family,
We pray that this message finds you well and safe during the inclement weather. Due to the icy road conditions, all in-person Union Chapel worship services, both at 9:00 AM and 12:00 Noon, have been canceled for tomorrow. We will have virtual services streamed online at 9:00 AM only. We kindly ask that you join us online for worship service tomorrow.
Stay safe and God bless!
Links below for worship services.
Join us Via Facebook, Boxcast, and Youtube
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/unionchapelmbchurch
Boxcast: https://boxcast.tv/channel/gf43lxpluja2puygrila
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ucmbc.pastor.davis/?_rdr
Children's Church
Available today for children ages 5 to 11, after the Altar Call Prayer. Parents should then meet youth leaders in the foyer. Please come to the basement immediately following the worship service to pick up children. For additional information to volunteer, please contact Sis. Doris Taylor or Sis. Janika Crum.
In order for your contribution record to be accurate and up-to-date, please complete your offering envelope in “FULL”; with your name, address, phone number and amount. Please be aware that we have several families with the same last name. For example, if you only write “Smith Family” with no address or phone number, we have no way of knowing who you are. There will be no information in our system to compare. Please be advised that the office does not see your check from Sunday’s Giving to get the information from…we only have the envelope. Also, please help us keep our records as accurate as possible by printing “LEGIBLY”.
Passage Ministry
The Passage Ministry is a year-long program to challenge, mold and prepare youth ages 12 and 13 for young adulthood. Registration is open and available online until January 26, 2025. To register, please go to our Church's website at www.unionchapel-hsv.org and click on the Youth Ministry button at the top. Do not click the drop down menu prompt. The Passage button will appear. Click it and create an account. Follow the instructions to complete registration. If you encounter a problem while registering, please contact Bro. LaMonte Dent at 256-479-3401. For Passage Ministry information, please contact Sis. Cassandra Pitts at 256-479-5357 or Sis. Jocelyn Mcgee at 256-417-7439.
Weekly Announcements:
All announcements must be in the church office by 12 noon on Thursdays. Unless there is an extreme emergency, the late announcements will not be announced until the following Sunday. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
The Hearld
Publication Date Change for The Herald will now become a quarterly publication, the next edition will print the 1st Sunday in January, highlighting October, November and December. Please continue to submit your articles to: 1newsletter24@gmail.com or you may call 256-424-2569 (The Newsletter). The deadline to submit articles/information is the 15th of each month. All articles/information are subject to editing for clarity and grammatical corrections. We reserve the right not to include all articles in the newsletter.
Congratulations to those celebrating Birthdays and Anniversaries in the month of JANUARY.
Please click here to visit the Union Chapel Missionary Baptist Church employment page for all immediate openings.
Interested persons may apply in the Church Office weekdays between the hours of 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM. Also, you may visit our website at www.unionchapel-hsv.org/unionchapel/employment to obtain an application and view the Job descriptions for the position.