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General Information
Union Chapel Institute of Biblical Studies
315 Winchester Rd
Huntsville, AL 35811
Contact Information:
Pastor O. Wendell Davis, DMin., Dean Emeritus

Min. Joyce Campbell, Dean

Sis. Donna Robinson, Registrar (

UCIBS Summer Bible Seminar Class


THE UCIBS EVANGELISM...Summer Bible Seminar Class!

The Union Chapel Institute of Biblical Studies invites all women of the Union Chapel Church family to the Summer Bible Seminar Class on Saturday, June 8, 2024 at 9:15 a.m., Church Fellowship Hall (Southside).  The study will center on the book, "Twelve Extraordinary Women" from the Bible written by John MacArthur. The guest instructors for this study "Honorable Mothers," are Mother Betty Craighead and Mother Dorothy Moore. 

Come and enjoy this very insightful study, and learn withus, as they examine "how God celebrated and shaped women of te Bible, and what He wants to do with you." Registration and book purchase begins May 24-June 5, 2024. For further information and book purchases, contact Sister Donna Robinson, Registrar, 256-852-1150, M-F (12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.). Register on the Church website or pick up a form in the foyer. The book supply is limited.

Because "Great is HE"...Let's Go!